Tips for travelling in the car with your dog

It may take a while before your car, and your dog become friends. Unfortunately, some pets don’t like cars and suffer badly with anxiety and motion sickness during a drive. This can be very stressful for them and for you. Here are a few tips and products which can help, and make your trips with your dog a little more pleasant.

1. Introduce the car early and slowly

Starting early and introducing your little puppy slowly to your car is definitely the key. That means taking your dog to the car and letting him decide when to get in or help him with a treat. For the first few visits keep the engine off and let your dog sniff around and get used to it. Then you can start to introduce the engine. Then keep your first trips really short.

2. Safety

You must make sure that your dog is secured. It is for the safety of you and your dog.
There are a few options available to secure and restrain your dog:
* you can transport your dog in a cage in the boot, but be aware that you must secure the cage as well
* bucket seats are very popular too and will protect your car from any unwanted liquids.
* special car seatbelts and harnesses are also great, but you must attach them correctly and never attach seatbelt to the collar.

3. Exercise and toilet

Taking your dog for a walk and the toilet, especially before a longer trip, will make your dog tired and hopefully more rested when they’re inside the cage.

4. No food before travel

If your dog is feeling sick and throwing up avoid feeding for at least 4 hours before the journey.

There are also tablets and sprays available for pets that suffer from anxiety and travel sickness, please always consult with the vet and administer any medicines correctly.

5. Pack essentials

If you are planning a long journey, it is important to pack the essentials and make sure your dog is sitting comfortably. Pack and have handy a lead and walking harness, water with a portable bowl, and poop scoop bags. If your dog doesn’t get sick chews sticks or toys are a good idea and will keep your dog busy.

6. Take breaks

It is important to take a break during long car trips. It’s a good idea to plan ahead and check for safe, green, dog-friendly areas before you leave. Always have your leash handy and never let your dog out of the car before you, especially if you stop near a busy road.

7. Keep the car cool

Always make sure that the inside of your car is not too hot. When you leave your dog inside the car in the summer, make sure that you leave the window open wide enough to keep your dog safe.

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